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Precious Prodigal

Home Page |
There is nothing
in the world more devastating
to a parent than to have a prodigal child. |
see our hopes and dreams for our
children in ashes
and to see those children turn away from
everything we
hold dear may be
the most heartbreaking experience in the world. |
.. |
Rita will now be
publishing her blog under a new name:
Way in the Wilderness"
on her personal Website,
Our Precious Prodigal ministry's page is at:
We encourage you to visit
all the pages on our new website at:
Our Vision for “Precious Prodigal” |
The vision of Precious
Prodigal is to provide help and hope for hurting families.
Our Purpose for
“Precious Prodigal” |
purpose of Precious
Prodigal is to provide a sounding board for hurting parents
as well as a place where they can both find and share
strength and hope, based on their own experiences.
Precious Prodigal
will neither offer advice nor encourage others to do so. Rather than
telling or suggesting what a person should do, we will share from our own experience what we did and
whether and how that worked for us. If you are the parent, sibling,
spouse, child or friend of a prodigal, you are welcome here.
If you yourself are a prodigal who has been restored to your family, you
are also welcome to share your story with us here. We want to hear from
Public Notice:
Effective: Monday, June 8, 2015: |
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This page was
last revised on
May 09, 2019 by the
is maintained
Precious Prodigal
our office in Pell City, Alabama.
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Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. |
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Accepted, Accountability, adversity, affirmations, Alanon, angels,
armor, armour, arrogance, bail, Believing God, bitterness, blame,
brothers, building, burden, carrying burdens, chaos, chrysalis, church,
circumstances, comfort, compassion, complaining, content, contentment,
control, counseling, death, Desperation, devotions, discouragement,
Divorce, doing what’s right, dysfunction, dysfunctional, eagle,
emergency, enabling, encouragement, enemy, envy, Examine your heart,
exhaustion, faint, Faith, family, fear, forget, forgetting, forgiveness,
forgiving myself, forgiving yourself, free will, friends, Friendship,
Giving, Giving God first place, God, God’s Sovereignty, God’s love,
gold, gossip, gratitude, grief, grieving, grumbling, help, helping,
Hezekiah, honesty, hope, humility, hurt, hurting, jumping to
conclusions, letting go, loss, love, love mercy, loving mercy, Loyalty,
lying, manipulation, Marriage, martyr, meditations, mental-health,
mercy, miserable comforters, mount on wings as eagles, mourning,
overcoming, poetry, poison, Powerful, Praise, prayer, press on,
prodigal, prodigal’s elder brother, quiet time, reaching out, Recovery,
rejoice, relationships, religion, remember, remembering, repentance,
resentment, Sacrifice, salvation, self care, self will, self-esteem,
self-pity, selfishness, Serenity, Serenity Prayer, Service, Serving my
generation, setting limits, sharing, sibling rivalry, siblings, sisters,
sleep, Sovereignty of God, spirituality, Storms, strength, Survival,
taking care of yourself, tale-bearing, thinking, thoughts, trust,
trusting God, Unbelief, valley, Waiting, Waiting on the Lord, Why me?,
Worry, |
Accepted, Accountability, adversity, affirmations, Alanon, angels,
armor, armour, arrogance, bail, Believing God, bitterness, blame,
brothers, building, burden, carrying burdens, chaos, chrysalis, church,
circumstances, comfort, compassion, complaining, content, contentment,
control, counseling, death, Desperation, devotions, discouragement,
Divorce, doing what’s right, dysfunction, dysfunctional, eagle,
emergency, enabling, encouragement, enemy, envy, Examine your heart,
exhaustion, faint, Faith, family, fear, forget, forgetting, forgiveness,
forgiving myself, forgiving yourself, free will, friends, Friendship,
Giving, Giving God first place, God, God’s Sovereignty, God’s love,
gold, gossip, gratitude, grief, grieving, grumbling, help, helping,
Hezekiah, honesty, hope, humility, hurt, hurting, jumping to
conclusions, letting go, loss, love, love mercy, loving mercy, Loyalty,
lying, manipulation, Marriage, martyr, meditations, mental-health,
mercy, miserable comforters, mount on wings as eagles, mourning,
overcoming, poetry, poison, Powerful, Praise, prayer, press on,
prodigal, prodigal’s elder brother, quiet time, reaching out, Recovery,
rejoice, relationships, religion, remember, remembering, repentance,
resentment, Sacrifice, salvation, self care, self will, self-esteem,
self-pity, selfishness, Serenity, Serenity Prayer, Service, Serving my
generation, setting limits, sharing, sibling rivalry, siblings, sisters,
sleep, Sovereignty of God, spirituality, Storms, strength, Survival,
taking care of yourself, tale-bearing, thinking, thoughts, trust,
trusting God, Unbelief, valley, Waiting, Waiting on the Lord, Why me?,
Worry, |
Accepted, Accountability, adversity, affirmations, Alanon, angels,
armor, armour, arrogance, bail, Believing God, bitterness, blame,
brothers, building, burden, carrying burdens, chaos, chrysalis, church,
circumstances, comfort, compassion, complaining, content, contentment,
control, counseling, death, Desperation, devotions, discouragement,
Divorce, doing what’s right, dysfunction, dysfunctional, eagle,
emergency, enabling, encouragement, enemy, envy, Examine your heart,
exhaustion, faint, Faith, family, fear, forget, forgetting, forgiveness,
forgiving myself, forgiving yourself, free will, friends, Friendship,
Giving, Giving God first place, God, God’s Sovereignty, God’s love,
gold, gossip, gratitude, grief, grieving, grumbling, help, helping,
Hezekiah, honesty, hope, humility, hurt, hurting, jumping to
conclusions, letting go, loss, love, love mercy, loving mercy, Loyalty,
lying, manipulation, Marriage, martyr, meditations, mental-health,
mercy, miserable comforters, mount on wings as eagles, mourning,
overcoming, poetry, poison, Powerful, Praise, prayer, press on,
prodigal, prodigal’s elder brother, quiet time, reaching out, Recovery,
rejoice, relationships, religion, remember, remembering, repentance,
resentment, Sacrifice, salvation, self care, self will, self-esteem,
self-pity, selfishness, Serenity, Serenity Prayer, Service, Serving my
generation, setting limits, sharing, sibling rivalry, siblings, sisters,
sleep, Sovereignty of God, spirituality, Storms, strength, Survival,
taking care of yourself, tale-bearing, thinking, thoughts, trust,
trusting God, Unbelief, valley, Waiting, Waiting on the Lord, Why me?,
Worry, |
Accepted, Accountability, adversity, affirmations, Alanon, angels,
armor, armour, arrogance, bail, Believing God, bitterness, blame,
brothers, building, burden, carrying burdens, chaos, chrysalis, church,
circumstances, comfort, compassion, complaining, content, contentment,
control, counseling, death, Desperation, devotions, discouragement,
Divorce, doing what’s right, dysfunction, dysfunctional, eagle,
emergency, enabling, encouragement, enemy, envy, Examine your heart,
exhaustion, faint, Faith, family, fear, forget, forgetting, forgiveness,
forgiving myself, forgiving yourself, free will, friends, Friendship,
Giving, Giving God first place, God, God’s Sovereignty, God’s love,
gold, gossip, gratitude, grief, grieving, grumbling, help, helping,
Hezekiah, honesty, hope, humility, hurt, hurting, jumping to
conclusions, letting go, loss, love, love mercy, loving mercy, Loyalty,
lying, manipulation, Marriage, martyr, meditations, mental-health,
mercy, miserable comforters, mount on wings as eagles, mourning,
overcoming, poetry, poison, Powerful, Praise, prayer, press on,
prodigal, prodigal’s elder brother, quiet time, reaching out, Recovery,
rejoice, relationships, religion, remember, remembering, repentance,
resentment, Sacrifice, salvation, self care, self will, self-esteem,
self-pity, selfishness, Serenity, Serenity Prayer, Service, Serving my
generation, setting limits, sharing, sibling rivalry, siblings, sisters,
sleep, Sovereignty of God, spirituality, Storms, strength, Survival,
taking care of yourself, tale-bearing, thinking, thoughts, trust,
trusting God, Unbelief, valley, Waiting, Waiting on the Lord, Why me?,
Worry, |